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Management information includes the condensed financial statements and profit-and-loss statements.

Condensed Financial Statements

(Unit: one million won)
Condensed Financial Statements
Subject 2023 (year-end) 2022 (year-end) 2021 (year-end)
Total assets 116,392 108,825 104,760
1. Current assets 95,568 96,023 80,755
2. Non-current assets 20,823 12,803 24,005
Total liabilities 8,116 7,298 5,660
1. Current liabilities 8,116 7,298 5,660
2. Non-current liabilities - - -
Total capital 108,275 101,528 99,101
1. Capital 10,000 10,000 10,000
2. Retained earnings 98,275 91,528 89,101

Condensed Profit-and-Loss Statements

(Unit: one million won)
Condensed Profit-and-Loss Statements
Subject 2023 2022 2021
Operating revenues 48,587 44,897 44,090
Operating expenses 40,926 40,617 40,794
Operating profit 7,661 4,280 3,296
Non-operating revenues 4,175 2,114 1,042
Non-operating expenses 130 47 75
Ordinary income 11,706 6,348 4,263
Corporation tax and others 2,959 1,921 1,425
Net profit 8,748 4,427 2,838