Korean Won Call Transactions
Transactions between financial institutions to borrow and lend Korean won funds on a very short-term basis in order to adjust temporary
excesses and shortages in their reserves. Although the longest maturity of call transactions Is 90 days, most of the transactions mature
RP(Repurchase Agreements )Transactions
Transactions between financial institutions in which one party acquires immediately available funds by selling bonds to the other and
simultaneously agreeing to repurchase the same bonds after a specified time at a given price. No limit on the period and amount of trade (at least one hundred million won)
Electronic Short-Term Bond
Electronic short-term bonds are simplified forms of bonds with maturities of less than one year. They are issued for the purpose of short-term funding, for which the issuance, circulation and corporate actions are processed electronically. SMB intermediates bonds, issued by securities companies with maturities of less than 30 days, in best efforts underwriting.