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About SMBS

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SMBS currently handles seven types of derivatives products as shown below. Especially, several offshore major foreign banks, and domestic banks use SMBS as their KRW NDF broker. we expect to offer our clients brokerage of a widened range of financial derivatives products in the coming years.

Currency Swap
A contract between foreign exchange banks to sell currencies to each other with a concomitant Agreements to reverse the exchange of currencies along with the interest payment due from the bidding party at a fixed date in the future for the same price, and its term is usually 1 year and over.
Interest Rate Swap
A contract between two counterparties to exchange interest payment obligations on a notional principal sum over an agreed period of time.
Currency Option
A contract between foreign exchange banks giving the right to buy or sell a specified amount of one foreign currency in exchange for another at a fixed price within some predetermined time period.
Average Price Strike Option
A type of currency option contract to set the "strike" or "exercise" price of options based on the average exchange rate between the contract date and maturity date.