Bond Transactions
Transactions between professional investors including major financial institutions to buy and sell bond
¢º Bond : Bonds issued by government, public institution, business firms to finance the need of a relatively large capital. Generally,
a bond is a promise to repay the principal along with interest (coupons) on a specified date.
¢º Bond : Bonds issued by government, public institution, business firms to finance the need of a relatively large capital. Generally,
a bond is a promise to repay the principal along with interest (coupons) on a specified date.
CD (Negotiable Certificates of Deposit )Transactions
Transactions between financial institutions to buy and sell negotiable documents evidencing a time deposit placed with domestic banks or
foreign bank branches. The shortest maturity is 30 days with no limit on the amount of trade (at least one hundred million won)
CP (Commercial Paper) Transactions
Transactions between financial institutions to buy and sell promissory notes issued by business firms or some types of non-bank financial
institutions with no limit on the period and amount of trade (at least one million won)